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Styling Graphs

Node Styling

Node Styling Attributes

See the Node Attribute Reference for a list of all node styling attributes.

Nodes can be styled by adding attributes to the networkx graph nodes. All netext attributes are starting with a $ sign to avoid clashes with other attributes.

If you want to style the whole graph in the same way you can call:

import networkx as nx
nx.set_node_attributes(g, "none", "$shape")

To set the shape of all nodes in the graph g to none. Alternatively you can set individual attributes:

g.nodes["somenode"]["$shape"] = "none"

Edge Styling

Edge Styling Attributes

See the Edge Attribute Reference for a list of all edge styling attributes.

Edges can be styled in a similar way as nodes.

If you want to style the whole graph in the same way you can call:

import networkx as nx
nx.set_edge_attributes(g, EdgeRoutingMode.straight, "$edge-routing-mode")

To set the shape of all nodes in the graph g to none. Alternatively you can set individual attributes:

g.edges["a"]["b"]["$edge-routing-mode"] = EdgeRoutingMode.straight