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Node Attributes


The show attribute determines if nodes are rendered. Hidden nodes are not considered for edge routing but are passed and considered for the node layout.

Type: bool.

Level of Detail

The lod-map attribute can be set to a function mapping zoom levels to discrete level of detail values. The function takes a single float parameter and returns an integer value. See Zoom and Viewport for details on how to use the level of detail to change the appearance of nodes on different zoom levels.

Type: Callable | None


The shape attribute determines the surrounding decoration around the content of the node.

Type: Shape | None

Possible values are:

Shape Value Description
Box Box Renders a Panel around the content. (Default)
None JustContent Only renders the content.




The box shape renders the content within a Panel. For box shapes the folowing can attribute can be set:

Box Type

The box type is determined via box-type.

Type: Box


Box Types

Generic styling for all shapes


The style attribute determines the style that is applied to the shape of the node (not the content).

Type: Style | None



Content Style

The content-style attribute is passed to the content renderer function.

Type: Style | None


Content Style ╭───╮╭───╮ A*****B ╰───╯╰───╯

Content Renderer

The content-renderer attribute is a function that takes three parameters, node label (str), node data (Any) and content style and returns a rich renderable.

Type: Callable | None


The ports attribute determines the ports of the node. Ports are used to connect edges to nodes. Ports are defined as a dictionary mapping port names to port specifications. The port specifications are a dictionary with the following keys: magnet, label, offset, symbol, symbol-connected, key.

Ports are optional and a port only needs to be specified if it is used as a target or source of an edge. A port specification must at least contain a label. All other keys are optional.

Key Type Description
magnet str The magnet position of the port.
label str The label of the port.
offset Tuple[int, int] The offset of the port from the node position.
symbol str The symbol to use for the port.
symbol-connected str The symbol to use for the port when it is connected to an edge.
key str The key of the port used when sorting ports on a side of a node.
from netext import ConsoleGraph
from netext.layout_engines.static import StaticLayout
from rich import print
from import Style

import networkx as nx
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_node("X", **{
        "$x": 5,
        "$y": 0,
        "$ports": {"a": {"label": "a"}, "b": {"label": "b"}}
g.add_node("Y", **{
    "$x": 20,
    "$y": 0,
    "$ports": {"a": {"label": "a"}, "b": {"label": "b"}}
g.add_edge("X", "Y", **{"$start-port": "a", "$end-port": "a"})

print(ConsoleGraph(g, layout_engine=StaticLayout()))

```{.rich title='Ports' } from netext import ConsoleGraph from netext.layout_engines.static import StaticLayout from rich import print from import Style

import networkx as nx g = nx.Graph() g.add_node("X", {"$x": 5, "$y": 0, "$ports": {"a": {"label": "a"}, "b": {"label": "b"}}}) g.add_node("Y", , "b": {"label": "b"}}}) g.add_edge("X", "Y", **{"$start-port": "a", "$end-port": "a"})

output = ConsoleGraph(g, layout_engine=StaticLayout()) ```